Monday, February 1, 2010

One Parent Claim Dependent One Parent Claim Head Of Household Head Of Household With Parent Receiving Social Security Benefits?

Head of household with parent receiving social security benefits? - one parent claim dependent one parent claim head of household

I want my mom as a dependent if the head of household entitled to claim, but they do not receive social security benefits in 2006 in the amount of $ 6000 without additional income. Can I register a claim as a dependent because she received more than $ 3200? I thought that only $ 3000, $ 6000 will be charged if I have a claim? subsequantly and if I as a dependent, I have to be taken in a tax claim for their acts? clear in my tax return? Thank you in advance for your help!


Judy said...

If your only income is social security, all this would be passive and not a file back. Do not show your social security benefits at any place, on a tour of his or her own. He makes the gross income test (the requirement to serve an employee who earns less than 3300 $) as the dependent claims. It would, however, support the process - the determination of whether or not more than half their support. If so, then you can claim as a dependent and can not claim head of household. Since she is your father, there is no rule that life with you.

Contrary to what someone said earlier, every year is different, so it is not necessary if his application is (this year or even be able to) its application in the coming years. Sometimes I wonder where the people some of the ideas expressed here.

riverofm... said...

If the IRS should be able 2 is the best answer to your question .. That's what I do:)

riverofm... said...

If the IRS should be able 2 is the best answer to your question .. That's what I do:)

fangtaiy... said...

If your only income is the mother of social security, which deos not file a return. Social security benefits are not taxable, unless other inom reaches a certain amount. If you as a dependent, you must accompany the worksheet, a tax credit form to determine if you elligilbe do. If you have used their income to pay the costs, you may need to be declared as miscellaneous income. There is a Social Security workseet and a worksheet included depending on their tax forms.

Bostonian In MO said...

Sometimes there is some good advice here. Sometimes not. Previously eyelash zero!

Well, look at IRS Pub 501 for a full explanation. In short, ask whether you are eligible HoH his father as a dependent. His father did not have to live with you, it was exempt for HoH or dependence.

You need to pay more than half the cost of maintaining a house, the head of his father's house for the whole year was. You also need more than half its full support for the year. Your gross income must be less than $ 3,300 for the year. (Non-taxable Social Security does not count toward the limit of gross income, however.)

If you meet these requirements, you can claim your father as a dependent and file as HoH if otherwise eligible for submitting State.

She needed to complete a tax if their income from tax exempt from social security file. From what we have presented, which should produce no evidence.

They are of their income from the SS in his declaration not aware of. Ever. How much revenue can be used to give SSin determining the evidence to support, but not on your statement.

m2 said...

wow ...........
You have 2 questions ..
When you begin to assert their parents to ... not later change your mind ..
This is now .... Standing can not just like a sock draw ..

Well, his long-term thinking ?????
If your income changes .. could lose the benefits .. and you will be placed in an allowance?

and all these issues in other .............
If you become ill and need to .... a nurse, say a week, you can afford and how much .. ..

Now, change their income .. could also be responsible for the return of social security benefits ... former

(so I think you can end up paying $ 200)
Just as a thing this year
and improve their income ............. could end .. what do you think is a deduction ......
and it is only your mother, if they think that U.S. $ 3,000 as compensation for their ... rather than terminate a tax that

when I was in your situation with my mother, stepfather, I gave him only $ 50 in cash under the table every month ... and live a house .. (free) ..

m2 said...

wow ...........
You have 2 questions ..
When you begin to assert their parents to ... not later change your mind ..
This is now .... Standing can not just like a sock draw ..

Well, his long-term thinking ?????
If your income changes .. could lose the benefits .. and you will be placed in an allowance?

and all these issues in other .............
If you become ill and need to .... a nurse, say a week, you can afford and how much .. ..

Now, change their income .. could also be responsible for the return of social security benefits ... former

(so I think you can end up paying $ 200)
Just as a thing this year
and improve their income ............. could end .. what do you think is a deduction ......
and it is only your mother, if they think that U.S. $ 3,000 as compensation for their ... rather than terminate a tax that

when I was in your situation with my mother, stepfather, I gave him only $ 50 in cash under the table every month ... and live a house .. (free) ..

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