Friday, February 12, 2010

She Wearing Girdles Why Do Football Players Wear Girdles?

Why do football players wear girdles? - she wearing girdles

I mean, it is not what is pants? Person in my school who wears a belt, we all platelets in the pants.


dCon said...

When I played was the size of the only place to get my hip pads and tailbone platform. Pants have no pockets for pad.

Face said...

It could be a little what I think I touched on my companion, or would require football as the rest of the world

B-NUT said...

no room for the pads in the pants of the NFL and girddle is the only option.

mallonda... said...

What? Sleeveless? lol, sorry! wear'em and pads of the thigh, and to protect the legs a bit more! My coaches, even those who wear it!

mini mi said...

Who belt, because some players do not have the pants knee or thigh pads in them

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