Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Asbergers Syndrome More Condition_symptoms Does Anybody Have A Sibling Or Know Someone Well With Asbergers Syndrome Or Autism?

Does anybody have a sibling or know someone well with asbergers syndrome or autism? - asbergers syndrome more condition_symptoms

I'm in school, and my little brother Åsberg. I want other people here who experiance with him. Have I met a girl, a brother with Asberg, so I'm only here for other people about them.


penelope said...

I often wonder if my child has Asberg's syndrome, went to school, but I differ with them. The verbally speak to anyone other than myself and his brother, also one of his friends, playing video games constantly. Her timidity was once thought brushed by me, it was just a stage that has happened, but now as the year months, now I'm starting to wonder if something has more of them crossed his mind. It is very painful, as his mother to see him alive in his small world, sport, few friends and no hobbies, all these things will be a red flag for the biggest thing. It's really frustrating because I want to change it, not for myself but for him, because he wanted the best for him.

emucompb... said...

Her brother is there, the things that teach, of course, to other children.

He must be taught to smile, take a mirror and entertainment. He will learn the body language - both on the way to do it themselves, and how to interpret the body language of others.

It is socially inept.

It is frustrating for you. Be patient. Do not mess with their property. The best thing we can do is like a library card when he is old enough to have one.

Good luck.

Its Me! said...

I have a friend with autism. Hes only 9 and 16, but in the HES my girlfriend, who often speaks of many people but filled interview with me:) hes a child needs a brilliant Antenta looks good, but it's great games!

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