Monday, January 11, 2010

Wart Type Growth On Nose Weird Mole/growth/wart..something?

Weird mole/growth/wart..something? - wart type growth on nose

Indeed, over the years have had this kind of thing crust birthmark on his hand. It seems discusting ... It began as a small grain, and finally I went this way. Sometimes I go back on it will be aired and again as it was .. It's like brown and a half inches wide. He got me, as always, a sweater and satisfy their Inbetween thumb and index finger on top of the hand .. I have tried to freeze warts, but it is a work that you do .. What is it?


Mama Mia said...

Any mole that grows irritating crusts and remains a concern. The hands are exposed to the constant exposure to sunlight, as well, so do not take more time to consult a doctor. You need an appointment with a dermatologist soon.

RayeKaye said...

It could be a benign lesion as Seborrheic keratosis, or it could be a skin cancer. It looks like a wart. Go see a dermatologist and treated.

essentia... said...

Might be psoriasis plaques, consult a dermatologist to be sure.

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