Sunday, January 17, 2010

Best Cure For Fever Blisters Whats The Best Cure For A Fever Blister?

Whats the best cure for a fever blister? - best cure for fever blisters

I often have cold sores. What is the best in the cure.


ObGynDoc said...

Zovirax ointment works very well, as it Zilactin. A prescription for Valtrex or other anti-HSV too long.

duc602 said...

epson salt to get some in your hand and a little water if you have a paste substance, dip your lips dabba Tere. as hell, but be gone the next day to burn.

duc602 said...

epson salt to get some in your hand and a little water if you have a paste substance, dip your lips dabba Tere. as hell, but be gone the next day to burn.

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