Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dry Throat Symptoms Related To Pregnancy Does Anyone Know What's Wrong With Me?

Does anyone know what's wrong with me? - dry throat symptoms related to pregnancy

So I had these strange symptoms:
1. Dry throat or stuffy
2. red face
3. Coughing, even for more than 2 months
4. Sudden shaking hands
5. To hear his loud voice and breath in my ear
6. Pain in right ear

I have asthma, allergies, and heavy spring / fall time allergies. I can see how some of these symptoms may relate to this, but others seem strangely coincidental. My parents do not believe me, let alone to the doctor. All ideas what might wrong with me is greatly appreciated.


nodsley said...

If your parents used to take it to go to a doctor. Find a clinic or community ultimately go toe in the emergency room. If you are in school, go to the school nurse and she can help or advise the appropriate health facility.

That Writer Girl said...

Go to and search your symptoms here. It is appropriate to a medical site.

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